Ease of use - updating a personal voice mail greeting
The process of using Zoom.us to update a personal voice mail greeting feels unnecessarily cumbersome. Once logged in to the site the user has to remember if they are supposed to update Greeting & Menu: Connect to operator or leave voicemail or are they supposed to update Leave voicemail instruction? Once in the correct section it's 7 additional clicks to get to the point they can re-record their greeting. I'll ignore the fact that I can't prevent users from using the Zoom text to speech feature or at least eliminate the terribly unprofessional voice options. It's too much for some users. To that end I've considered having them use *86 to simply record over their previous greeting. Doing so mimics traditional phone systems. Without having to remember *86 or use the Zoom.us process, how can a user gain access to their mailbox setup? I can't create a contact since *86 is an invalid phone number format. Any suggestions?
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