How do I get forum list to be "most recently posted thread" at the top?
I've never participated in a Forum where the software presents subject threads in sequence by "MOST RECENTLY CREATED" first (no matter how many back-and-forth posts and replies exist), rather than "MOST RECENTLY POSTED" first. In other words, if I created a thread 3 weeks ago I now have to page forward an ever-increasing number of pages as time marches on, as the thread becomes older and older. It will eventually appear, when the "create date" of posts finally goes back that originally created thread date. But in fact there may have been many replies within my thread, the most recent of which might have occurred just today! So I would like my thread to be presented probably on say page 1 or 2 of this "Meetings" sub-forum, because there is a reply in the thread with a very recent date. Why wouldn't thread topics be presented on the subject list ordered this way, with "most recent reply date" shown first, no matter when the thread itself got originally created?? How can this not be just how topics are presented, without even needing me to customize some setting or request a different sort sequence or organization? What am I missing? How to I get the thread topic subjects to appear "most recently posted into" first, no matter how long ago the very first post in that thread caused it to be created?.
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