Resolved! Fade to grey / slow dissolve at end of meetings
I've been wondering if it would be possible to end Zoom meetings a little less abruptly. I find it quite disconcerting when the host ends a meeting, and suddenly you are left with a blank screen or your desktop. Especially for more arts based sessions, where people are very immersed in the experience. True for any meeting, business or pleasure, but especially in the field I work in - arts activities for people who may be coping with mental health issues - people may be emotionally very engaged, you might even say spiritually engaged, and the sudden loss communication may be upsetting. I certainly find it a jolt. It's like being engrossed in a movie, but instead of a fade out with some suitable music to round things off, and then the credits sequence to let you ease out of it, you are just suddenly dumped in the real world, with no time to reflect, or defuse, or 'come down', you might say. So I am wondering if it would be technically possible to say, freeze frame the participants' screens, and gradually fade them out to grey, or do a dissolve slowly to an end screen - maybe with a message, something like 'thank you for using Zoom, see you next time' - or some such. I think an option like this would really enhance the experience.
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