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Zoom Client Version Upgrade via Zoom Portal – User Group-wise

Hi Zoom,

Please confirm if we can upgrade the Zoom client version for user groups via the Zoom portal. Additionally, kindly share the necessary settings and steps required for this process.



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Modelo RFI-21 e certificado de residência

Caríssimos,No sentido de acionar a convenção para evitar a dupla tributação entrepaíses, solicitámos o preenchimento do modelo RFI-21 de maneira a queos pagamentos efetuados estejam dispensados de retenção na fonte.Precisamos também do envio do certi... Show more

No sentido de acionar a convenção para evitar a dupla tributação entre
países, solicitámos o preenchimento do modelo RFI-21 de maneira a que
os pagamentos efetuados estejam dispensados de retenção na fonte.
Precisamos também do envio do certificado de residência da
entidade Zoom Video Communications, INC na Califórnia, Estados Unidos
da America.
Obrigada pela atenção dispensada!

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「Zoom CX Summit Tokyo 2025」イベントのご案内

Zoom Community 日本グループの皆さま、こんにちは!Zoom カスタマーサクセスです。 少しずつ暖かい日も増えてきましたが、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。今日は、イベントのご案内です。 顧客の期待はかつてないスピードで進化し、企業には迅速でパーソナライズされた対応、シームレスなコミュニケーションが求められています。しかし、多くの企業が、問い合わせ対応の負担増、人材不足、多様化する顧客接点の管理、データ活用の課題に直面しています。 こうした課題を解決し、企業のCX(カスタマーエクスペリ... Show more

Zoom Community 日本グループの皆さま、こんにちは!Zoom カスタマーサクセスです。



こうした課題を解決し、企業のCX(カスタマーエクスペリエンス)戦略を進化させるため、「Zoom CX Summit Tokyo 2025」を4月17日(木)に東京都日本橋で開催いたします。




MLBの最新の取り組み: MLB® が Zoom Contact Center を活用して拡充する革新的なファン体験 (リンク先)

Zoom Contact Center、Zoom Virtual Agents、Zoom Revenue Accelerator などの最新ソリューション







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SOS !!! Upgraded to large meeting to increase meeting capacity

I've Upgraded to large meeting to increase meeting capacity will my scheduled meetings update automatically? How can I check whether the meeting that is scheduled has large meeting capacity applied it? It's for an event that is happening in 2 hours.Show more

I've Upgraded to large meeting to increase meeting capacity will my scheduled meetings update automatically? How can I check whether the meeting that is scheduled has large meeting capacity applied it? 
It's for an event that is happening in 2 hours. 

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Zoom Verification Code

Our company uses Zoom to provide one-on-one tutoring to students. We create the zoom account and when a verification code is required, it comes to our central email address.Normally we see requests if a student is at a different location or using a d... Show more

Our company uses Zoom to provide one-on-one tutoring to students.  We create the zoom account and when a verification code is required, it comes to our central email address.

Normally we see requests if a student is at a different location or using a different device to log on with, but for the past week, we have seen an influx of verification code requests with no change in location or device.

Has there been a change within Zoom that is requiring a new code for each log in on certain devices?

Thank you

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Unable to Retrieve Meeting Recording

My colleague organize the zoom meeting has left the organization. We used her zoom to call in and make recording. I was promoted as host during the session. After meeting ended, i wasn't able to retrieve the recording. Can anyone help?

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Voice queue summary report

I am trying to understand the metrics on the voice queue summary report for ZCC. for example, what's the difference between offered and offers total. 

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Call Forwarding

How is call forwarding handled when work from home?  Why does it ring to both the outbound number that is set and also on office desktop phone?  Please explain this function 

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Contact Center - Call Back features

Hi all, I am working through the features of Call-Back in the Menu-based Interrupt. I am wondering how does it integrate with the agents in a queue? What come first? Does Call back place an agent in the queue in a reserved state while it calls back a... Show more

Hi all, I am working through the features of Call-Back in the Menu-based Interrupt. I am wondering how does it integrate with the agents in a queue? What come first? Does Call back place an agent in the queue in a reserved state while it calls back a client? When the client presses one to accept the call back, do they can transferred to the reserved agent? If the client doesn't press one, does the agent get reset back to the ready state for normal calls? What actually happens?

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Access Token expires after one hour when we are using Named Credentials in salesforce.

I have created an OAuth Provider and Named Credentials in salesforce, I am able to get voice call data from zoom contact center using Access Token, but my AccessToken gets expired after a one hour. Error : - {"code":124,"message":"Access token is exp... Show more

I have created an OAuth Provider and Named Credentials in salesforce, I am able to get voice call data from zoom contact center using Access Token, but my AccessToken gets expired after a one hour.


Error : -  {"code":124,"message":"Access token is expired."}

Request: -  System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=callout:Zoom_Credential/contact_center/voice_calls?from=2025-01-06T13%3A00%3A07Z&to=2025-01-07T13%3A00%3A07Z&page_size=100, Method=GET] 



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Zoom Community Champions are leaders within the Community who provide thoughtful contributions to fellow community members. They provide helpful solutions, showcase product expertise, and share success stories.
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