Incorrect # of participants showing in polls
We have regular Zoom meetings where the board members vote on each agenda item via single-choice poll. The office staff who also attend the meeting but do not vote are listed in Zoom as co-hosts before the discussion begins, so we do not see the option to vote on the polls, and the total participant numbers for each poll do not include us. Over the last month or so, we've seen an issue where the number of participants in the polls is regularly one more than we actually have present. For example, if we have 5 board members present, the poll ticker will show 5 out of 6 votes cast, even though there are not 6 present. If we have another member join later, it will increase to 6 out of 7 when all have cast votes. None of the attendees are using more than one form of attendance (e.g., logged in on both laptop and phone). Any idea on what the issue might be and any way we can fix it?
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