Double bug: can't hear participants, can't share sound.
Since today, I cannot hear the voice of other people on Zoom, and I can't share the sound of my computer when I share my screen. Updating the software to 5.16.2 (22807) and restarting my computer didn't help. If I connect to the same reunion from my phone, I can hear their voices from my phone. So the problem is on my side, and it's software related because using Google Meet solves the issue. In the Audio Settings, the test fails on both devices shown (both wearing the same known) Note that my microphone works properly and they can hear me. On the output side, it's only the sound from the application that stopped working the middle of a reunion today and ever since. Anyone facing the same issues? I use Zoom to teach private lessons so it's quite annoying. Using Windows 11, lenovo v15 g2 alc
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