Does Co-host need a paid license to share a video over 40 minutes length if Host has a paid license?
I have been participating in a weekly zoom meeting for the last couple of years. The Host has a paid license. Recently, he ask me to share a video each week with the group. The videos which are on my laptop run about an hour in length. I have a free license. The Host makes me a Co-Host. We usually have discussion for about 30 minutes before I start sharing my screen to show the video. After a few minutes, into the screen sharing, zoom drops my screen share for the entire group and/or completely kicks me out of the meeting requiring me to log back in. I have tried different internet providers, different devices, etc. But, I can't seem to screen share after some point in the meeting. That point is suspiciously close to the 40 minute limitation on a free account for hosting. Do I have to have a paid license, in order to Screen Share as the Co-Host for more than 40 minutes? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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