Presence status crashed by Zoom
Dear Sir or Madam, in a terminalserver environment we use MS Outlook 2016 32-bit with a CTI integration from a Third-Party-Software and have a problem with the latest Zoom VDI software. We just updated from ZoomInstallerVDI_x86_5.17.10.24730.msi to ZoomInstallerVDI_x86_5.17.13.25060.msi. The Zoom Plugin for Microsoft Outlook is not installed. After this update process we do not see the precense status of our 3rd-Party CTI software in Microsoft Outlook anymore. If we uninstall the Zoom VDI software, presence status is still not working. If we rollback a snapshot of the server the presence status is working proper. We tried some kb articles from the internet: Thank you for your assistance.
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