Zoom Meetings
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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Resolved! Create meeting

Hello for everyone! Could i create meetings with Zoom API if i not licensed user(free account)?Thanks!

CURS by Explorer
  • 1 replies

Windows Client - Request a new implementation

Hi, into the Windows Zoom Client can you insert e request of confirmation before disconnect user? If the end user press "Disconnect" from this client the application disconnect correctly the use, I think that is better if the program show e message t...

opening of recurrent meetings

I shall set a recurrent meeting. I need to assign to a different user the previlege to open the meeting in case I cannot attend to it. How can I assign the "opening meeting" previlege? shall I do it when organizing the recurrent meetings or can I add...

MGL by Newcomer
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Autorecord

All my settings are set to not auto-record - and yet when I start a meeting in my personal meeting room - it starts recording, every time. Please help, its driving me crazy. How di I switch it off?

CDNZ by Explorer
  • 2 replies

Completely blurry recording

Hello I just hosted a zoom session for my group where I invited a speaker. When I accessed the recording after the talk, what surprised me is that the image of the speaker was totally blurry whereas the power point presentation and the voice was abso...

Resolved! No feature for chat responses in Zoom Meeting

Hi everyone, I'm searching for a feature to reply to chat messages in Zoom Meeting. I tried searching through the Support Page and Bolt (the Support Box), but I couldn't find any explanation or solution for the matter, and Bolt doesn't learn or under...

Zoom chat no reply or ellipses icon.png

Cloud recording

I am the host at the zoom meeting. I chose cloud records. My zoom account is licensed. The meeting lasted 1.5 hours, but only 38 minutes recorded in the cloud. Why is that? what's the solution?


最近ZOOMを使い始めてまだZOOMをうまく使いこなせません。毎週自分がホストで同じ時間にミーティングをしているのですが、ある日からいつものようにZOOMを開催しようとすると 入室する側の人のパソコン画面にホストには進行中の別のミーティングがあります。との表示が出て入室することができません。 ネットで検索してみると私が他のミーティングを終了すれば、、、と書いてあるのですが他のミーティングには参加も開催もしていないので対応がわかりません。 対応方法を知っている方やアドバイスをくれる方を探しています...

Yurip by Newcomer
  • 2 replies