Organization Outlook doesnt Synronizing our Zoom Booking/Invites
Hi all, I am very new to this system and i am looking for a solution. 1) Our company send invites to this room but the zoom room is not getting any respond on the Zoom room Scheduler nor Thinksmart Hub Lenovo zoom room. 2) Where else when i invites through contact, colleague also didnt get the email respond too. 3) If i create a new meeting, sending invites via email options with external email domain, the external client email is receiving the meeting information to join in. 4) On the Zoom room scheduler touch panel, if we "Reserve" the meeting physically, it is synronizing to the Thinksmart Hub Lenovo zZoom Room but however we are unable to delete the meeting through the touch panel physcially. Error code " Failed to delete meeting" Anyone can help what kind of configuration do i need to do at the backend in Zoom Portal or 365 Microsoft Account?
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