Synchronizing Account Settings and Custom Backgrounds Across Products/Devices
It is incredibly frustrating that certain settings are not synchronized by account across devices and zoom products. Like many, I use multiple devices to connect on Zoom calls, often to the same recurring meeting. Within the current limits of platform (i.e. iOS mobile app vs. Windows desktop app) my user experience should be the same. Account and meeting settings that I configure from my Zoom iPhone app should be synchronized across all other devices I use - so long as I’m signing into the same account. As a specific example and particular personal annoyance, if I set my custom background to be a certain image in one Zoom app/product, I shouldn’t have to use the same Zoom app/product (and device) in order to have that background load automatically…or even to find/use it! Don’t be cheap, Zoom.
Each paying customer should get a certain amount of storage to which one’s background images, videos, and other account and meetings settings so they can be used on another device and in another Zoom app/product.
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