Customer Success Forum
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Welcome to the Customer Success Forum!

Welcome to the Customer Success Forum! This is a collaborative place for Zoom users to share customer success stories, learn about upcoming events, and exchange use cases for helpful ways to use Zoom features.

Recent Activity

Signatures during zoom meeting

I'm in healthcare/behavioral health. We need our participants (clients) to sign off on a form acknowledging they presented for their service via telehealth. I looked at the integration of docusign but that just pulls us out to send a docusign through...

Transcription feature crashing Zoom

I'm an IT guy at a school and we have started to have a very weird issue with Zoom ever since the 5.7.6 update. Many of the teachers at the school use the live transcription feature in their Zoom calls, and since the 5.7.6 update these people have re...


Muy buenas noches, como puedo hacer para generar un contrato con Zoom sobre el plan adquirido, ya que solo las facturas no son validadas en mi proceso legal como docente

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Sound issues at vocal and piano studio

Hi allI run a virtual music studio as part of my business. Lately I am having issues with sound coming through from my students. I can not hear them sing or play, but can hear every back ground noise in their space. I have the musician settings turne...