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Client Story: Boosting Efficiency and Productivity with pre-recorded content

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

In the heart of a bustling office, one of my clients found themselves ensnared in the unending web of monotony. Week in, week out, they labored through the same product demos and sporadic user training webinars. The grind was relentless, with webinars piling up as frequently as twice a week, depending on the client's demands. Frustration was mounting, and a solution was desperately needed.

In search of a better way to handle these recurring webinars, I introduced them to the concept of "Simulive." Simulive, short for "simulated live," is a game-changer in the world of webinars. It allows you to record your webinar sessions and make them available for your clients to join at their convenience thus, unleashing newfound efficiency and productivity.


Now, they are no longer shackled by the need for extra assistance during presentations just to answer the Q&A or chat queries, they achieved more with less effort, ultimately turning the tide in their favor.

"Challenges help us grow, try and learn new things, welcome constructive feedback, embrace uncertainty, and always assume the best intentions, especially with our teammates." - from a respected leader

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

A great solution! Thank you for sharing this story @bdelossantos 

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Thanks for sharing, @bdelossantos! Can't wait for us to utilize this for our recurring training sessions.