No transfer to voicemail and Poly headsets not working to answer calls
We recently implemented zoom phone for our offices and let's just say there's been plenty of issues- First one, there is no option to transfer directly to somebody's voice mailbox. I've read conflicting information online that this should be a feature... and also that "this feature may not be available on some devices". Can anybody provide some clarity about the transfer to voicemail feature? There simply is no option to transfer to voicemail at all, where there "should be". second problem, We purchased a bunch of Poly Voyager 5200 UC headsets to use with zoom phone, along with Poly VVX411 desk phones. These DO NOT interoperate. Both devices are listed on the zoom phone compatibility list. When a call is incoming, the "answer call" button on the headset simply does not work. To work for answering calls, it requires that the UC usb dongle be plugged into the computer (not the phone), however after pressing the "answer call button" on the headset, it answers the call through the desk phone, not the headset. This is useless. 2) Press the "headset" button on the Voyager411 This is obviously a problem because people want to be able to answer calls when away from their desk by pressing the "answer call" button on the headset. This is not currently possible. Any input? Seems to me we went from a 100% working setup with desk phones and headsets to zoom phone which simply doesn't work. It's almost as if we need to have 2 UC usb dongles, one to be plugged into the desk phone, and one to be plugged into the computer to get complete functionality.... too bad a Poly headset can only connect to a single UC USB device so this isn't possible. No connecting the headset to computer via bluetooth and phone via USB dongle does not work. The answer call button fails to answer calls and no audio through headset.
The second reason this is problematic is because the UC usb dongle needs to be plugged into the desk phone in order for zoom phone to work with the headset at all and for the calls to actually come through the headset. This renders the "answer call button" on the headset useless, as the only way to use the headset with zoom phone is to:
1) have UC adapter plugged into the phone (which renders the answer call headset button useless, it doesn't do anything).
Only then can you talk/hear through the poly headsets with zoom phone.
Yes the audio settings are set to "sync buttons on headset".
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