Zoom keeps PAUSING playback of audio AND video in other applications
Zoom keeps PAUSING playback of audio AND video in other applications Using Windows 11 and Zoom Version: 5.17.2 (29988). If I am in a meeting I cannot play audio or video in any other applications for longer than 5 seconds at a time. It's no particular application, ANYTHING that is playing audio or video (Chrome, Edge, VLC Player, Spotify App) all pauses every 5 seconds. You hit play and you get another 5 seconds, then it pauses. The only work around I've found is to start playback BEFORE joining a meeting and then never touch it. I'm convinced it's got something to do with my sound card drivers and what Windows thinks is the default playback device. Also I had this problem a year or two ago and I FIXED IT but since then I've reinstalled Windows and I'll be dammed if I can remember how I fixed it last time.
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