Odd pinch to zoom bug on iOS
Mobile Zoom clients - no problem at all with Android, but since moving over to iOS no end of issues. Here's one. Pinch to zoom on my video feed. I discovered I could pinch to zoom my feed on Android to focus in on a speaker (I'm host and broadcasting), and used it all the time. It doesn't work on iOS - two fingers in and out does nothing. Except that I by accident found that if I pull down the notification blind over the top of Zoom - cutting the meeting for a second apparently as recipient screens go blank - then I can pinch to Zoom on my view. That way I can focus in on a speaker's face without having to get up from my seat. This looks very much like a bug. I don't even know if iOS Zoom is supposed to support pinch to zoom. I would like it to do so, but for now I've found a rather clunky workaround.
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