Resolved! Domain error - 100006000
I tried to sign in via SSO and now the domain name I used (that doesn't exist) prefills the domain of every meeting I try to join, and I get an error message (100006000). I was invited to speak at an event and the organiser said that I needed to create an account to access the meeting, and that she would add my domain to the whitelist. My company doesn't use Zoom but when I first tried to access the meeting, the link it didn't work - so I tried the SSO log-in instead, adding my company name (for example ABC company) as the domain. This also didn't work, but now every subsequent external meeting I try to join replaces the correct domain with my company's (e.g. the meeting is for and it loads in my browser as, even though my company doesn't have a Zoom domain or SSO login). I've cleared my cache and cookies but I can't find a way to make Zoom forget this fake domain. Help?? (Please!)
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