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Welcome to the Customer Success Forum!

Welcome to the Customer Success Forum! This is a collaborative place for Zoom users to share customer success stories, learn about upcoming events, and exchange use cases for helpful ways to use Zoom features.

Recent Activity

Is there going to be another Ed Summit?

I'm curious. It was great last year and I feel like I had already started to hear whispers around now.

Resolved! SIP#?

We are currently using Zoom Healthcare to perform virtual inspections.  Someone just asked if we have a SIP#? I have no idea what that is or if we have it?  Please help!

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Zoom College Classes Taught Coast to Coast

Can a college class being taught over my college's zoom platform be transmitted from the east coast to students residing on the west coast in "real time"-live-- with no delays in the transmission of the audio or video signals. I am concerned with my ... Show more

Can a college class being taught over my college's zoom platform be transmitted from the east coast to students residing on the west coast in  "real time"-live-- with no delays in the transmission of the audio or video signals. I am concerned with my genetics lectures being disrupted due to cross country transmission delays. For example a student sends in a chat and I don't see it  until 1 minute later. Or a student uses their microphone to ask a question but because of the 2500 mile distance between east and west coast, I don't hear the question until 30 seconds later etc... Also don't know if a University's license with zoom llc  restricts how far away broadcast can occur. Usually I would teach students in my same state for example Miami or Orlando, but I have never taught someone in San Diego ..broadcasting from Florida over zoom Don't know the technical aspects of this,  but I wanted to make sure, before I sign a contract with my university to do it and find out there will be problems. Any help would be appreciated.. Michael Thornton PhD....Tallahassee.

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Installing Zoom 5.13.10 without Mail & Calander options

Hi, I'm installing the application Zoom v5.13.10 by MSI with command-line option.How can I install the application without the options 'Mail' and 'Calendar' in the menu to prevent the users to use it? I've tried serval options from Mass-deploying wit... Show more



I'm installing the application Zoom v5.13.10 by MSI with command-line option.

How can I install the application without the options 'Mail' and 'Calendar' in the menu to prevent the users to use it?

2023-04-03 16_15_07-Clipboard.png


I've tried serval options from Mass-deploying with preconfigured settings for Windows – Zoom Support

But I can't find what I need.


With kind Regards Jan Zeinstra

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Show my talking in the video

Hi, guys!I am having a small problem in Zoom class, so that I want to ask you how to handle it.In my zoom class I am using MS power point screenshot. In the last year, when I review my recorded video, I could see a small window which showed my talkin... Show more

Hi, guys!

I am having a small problem in Zoom class, so that I want to ask you how to handle it.

In my zoom class I am using MS power point screenshot. In the last year, when I review my recorded video, I could see a small window which showed my talking face at the corner of Power point screen.

However, in this year, my recorded video showed nothing else but the power point screen only. I tried to set up video control setting to show my face in the recorded video, but I couldn't at all.

So that I am asking what I need to do in the zoom setting to show myself in the video.


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Delade konton

Vi vill att alla lärare ska ha samma lösenord på Zoom så att vikarier enkelt ska kunna logga in och köra fjärrlektioner. Detta funkar för flera av oss. Men när man vill logga in i vissa lärares zoom konto så kräver kontot att ägaren av kontot accepte... Show more
Vi vill att alla lärare ska ha samma lösenord på Zoom så att vikarier enkelt ska kunna logga in och köra fjärrlektioner. 
Detta funkar för flera av oss. Men när man vill logga in i vissa lärares zoom konto så kräver kontot att ägaren av kontot accepterar inloggningen i ett mejl som skickas till dem. Kan man runda detta genom någon inställning i Zoom månntro? 

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Audio is not Working When Someone is Playing the Piano

I am a piano teacher teaching students via Zoom. Recently there has been a change with the audio setting where I can hear my students speak fine but can't hear them play the piano. This issue is happening even when we have original sound turned on. A... Show more

I am a piano teacher teaching students via Zoom.  Recently there has been a change with the audio setting where I can hear my students speak fine but can't hear them play the piano.  This issue is happening even when we have original sound turned on.


Any ideas what the problem may be and how to resolve this issue?



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Host Videos only on zoom call

How do I hide all participant videos except the host and one or two other people?


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Education account

Hello, when signing up I accidentally selected an education account for my other email address, and now I cannot log in without being required to do the education account activation. I tried to submit a ticket but I receive emails saying the request ... Show more

Hello, when signing up I accidentally selected an education account for my other email address, and now I cannot log in without being required to do the education account activation.

I tried to submit a ticket but I receive emails saying the request is closed. Can anybody help?

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Zoom Activation Email

Learnt that some students were not able to receive emails from Zoom regarding their activation into school email accounts. How to solve it?

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