Unable to Edit Whiteboard as the Host
I'm new to using the Zoom Whiteboard but I've had nothing but problems with it. I'm a teacher using it to host a class with 20 participants. My first time using it it worked beautifully for all of 10 minutes. Then I was unable to edit the board anymore. Participants were allowed to edit the board. The second time I did not allow participation and I couldn't even 1 edit done. No lines, no selections, no erase, nothing. The third time, I tested the board while the participants were entering and at first everything seemed fine. I was so relieved. I was able to switch pages and draw even. Then once my class was full, I went to use the whiteboard and I once again could do nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm ready to give up as I don't have the time to prep my class in two places just to cover my butt if the whiteboard doesn't work and I don't like having to switch to another program on the fly in order to proceed with my class. Any idea what's going on? Did I switch a setting somehow? Or is this just a very bad glitch that I have to wait for an update for?
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