Zoom Whiteboard
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What is Zoom Whiteboard?

Zoom Whiteboard is an all-in-one virtual workspace tool for hybrid and remote teams that creates a place to share ideas before, during, and after a Zoom Meeting. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the whiteboard conversation and connect with other members. If you are still looking for support, browse our Zoom Whiteboard support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Whiteboard Issues

Hi: I have a basic account, and created a 5-page whiteboard to share ideas with others in a meeting not hosted by me. I envisioned it working somewhat like a PowerPoint deck. All participants were able to see the first page, but not any others. I hav...

KenOhrn by Newcomer
  • 1 replies

Simultaneous whiteboard use by group

Hi,I have been teaching online language courses since the beginning von the COVID-19 pandemic, and we've stayed online since it saves commuting time and allows the participation of mothers with young children.One thing lacking in online courses, howe...

Knuth by Newcomer
  • 0 replies

Whiteboard templates in breakout rooms

Am I am able to have participants use the flow chart template in a breakout group. I see how participants can use a basic whiteboard by screen sharing in the breakout room but they do not have access to the whiteboard templates e.g. the flow chart te...

mayoman by Newcomer
  • 1 replies

whiteboard & share screen

I downloaded the whiteboard to use in my meetings and when I wanted to share the desktop screen, the whiteboard showed up and not the option to share deskstop screen. I have gone into my settings for my member profile and the video settings and it do...

interactive white board and Zoom

We tutor via Zoom using an old fashion white board and dry erase markers.I'd like to move to another technology.Can I use an interactive board such as the SB680 Smart Board as an input device to screen share during a Zoom meeting? I'm aware of the Wh...

jack82 by Newcomer
  • 1 replies