Send messages to participants in the Waiting Room
I am seeking clarification on the following points (taken from Zoom article “Send messages to participants in the Waiting Room”).
*Is it ONLY THE MEETING HOST(rather than the co-host) that can send a message to participants in the Waiting? Y/N
I host a Zoom meeting on a MacBook Pro 10.5.2.
“1. As the meeting host, click Chat*
2 Click the dropdown next to To:
3. Click Everyone (in Waiting Room).**
4. Enter and send your chat message to the Waiting Room.
Once the message has been sent, the participants in the Waiting Room will see the message on the Waiting Room screen:”
Three simple Questions 😄 …..
**Does the Host message disappear once those particular participants in the Waiting Room are admitted to the meeting? Y/N
Can the participants in the Waiting Room respond to the Host message from the Waiting Room? Y/N
Thank you very much in advance.
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