Zoom Rooms and Workspaces
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Recent Activity

Cannot remove unlicensed zoom room

Every time I turn on my PC a screen pops up prompting me to sign in to my unlicensed zoom. I'm not sure how it even got there as I have never intentionally used zoom rooms. The options on this screen are Sign in; New Meeting; Join; Whiteboard. There ... Show more

Every time I turn on my PC a screen pops up prompting me to sign in to my unlicensed zoom.  I'm not sure how it even got there as I have never intentionally used zoom rooms. The options on this screen are Sign in; New Meeting; Join; Whiteboard.  There is a Pairing code in the top right corner and settings cog in bottom right corner. I can click on settings and exit the room but then the next day when I start my PC there it is again.  I've tried everything I  can think of to remove it with no luck.  Please help...it's getting tedious!  Thanks

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Zoom seems to have two instances and people have difficulty connecting when I send them a link

On my Mac Mini (with latest everything). When I click on Zoom, I get Zoom Workspace. If I get an invite from the participants list and send it to someone, they end up in a Zoom waiting room...different from where I am. At least that happens regularly... Show more

On my Mac Mini (with latest everything).


When I click on Zoom, I get Zoom Workspace.  If I get an invite from the participants list and send it to someone, they end up in a Zoom waiting room...different from where I am.  At least that happens regularly. I never know whether it will work or not.  I have the feeling there are two Zoom apps running at the same time.  If we both close Zoom and try again, it may work.


Suggestions?  Thank you.

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zoom rooms for users on same account

I recently was the only user on my Zoom workplace Pro and had my own "meeting ID" that I used for all my meetings. I've now added a user to my account. I am wondering if we will use the same meeting ID? That is can she be logged into her account and ... Show more

I recently was the only user on my Zoom workplace Pro and had my own "meeting ID" that I used for all my meetings. I've now added a user to my account. I am wondering if we will use the same meeting ID? That is can she be logged into her account and I logged into mine (allowing us to each host different meetings at the same time)?, but using the same link we provided to our participants? 

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Audio does not work in break out rooms

Since a couple of weeks some of my students loose the audio when they enter the break out rooms. Before it has never been an issue and it does not apply for all students.They have no audio in the break out rooms and when returning to the main room th... Show more

Since a couple of weeks some of my students loose the audio when they enter the break out rooms. Before it has never been an issue and it does not apply for all students.

They have no audio in the break out rooms and when returning to the main room their status in the bottom is on 'Connecting with audio...'. After a while some will have audio connection in the main room again, while others need to leave the meeting and rejoin again.

Why is this happening and what can they do to solve this issue?

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Breakout rooms management for Android?

Is there a reason that ZOOM does not have the feature to manage and create breakout rooms on a tablet? Tablets are so advanced these days that it would make sense to add this feature. I find it very annoying that I cannot manage breakout rooms, or ev... Show more

Is there a reason that ZOOM does not have the feature to manage and create breakout rooms on a tablet? Tablets are so advanced these days that it would make sense to add this feature. I find it very annoying that I cannot manage breakout rooms, or even view the participants of the rooms when I am in a video conference on my tablet, and I have to switch to my desktop to perform these tasks.

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Me pueden explicar si teniendo la cuenta zoom pro con un solo usuario puedo crear dos salas para generar dos encuentros simultáneos con grupos de interés y contenido diferente, por ejemplo, en una sala quiero que ingresen profesores en otra sala quie... Show more

Me pueden explicar si teniendo la cuenta zoom pro con un solo usuario puedo crear dos salas para generar dos encuentros simultáneos con grupos de interés y contenido diferente, por ejemplo, en una sala quiero que ingresen profesores en otra sala quiero que ingresen abogados, peor no puedo colocarlos a todos en la misma sala y después moverlos, desde el inicio debo asignar a cada grupo una sala.


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Демонстрация экрана

Здравствуйте. Во время проведения конференции, отсутствует кнопка демонстрации экрана

Video Not Displaying for Self-Participant in Safari and Firefox with Zoom Video SDK

I am experiencing an issue with the Zoom Video SDK in my React.js project. The problem occurs specifically in Safari (MacOS) and Firefox browsers. While the video for other participants renders correctly, the self-participant's video is not displayed... Show more


I am experiencing an issue with the Zoom Video SDK in my React.js project. The problem occurs specifically in Safari (MacOS) and Firefox browsers. While the video for other participants renders correctly, the self-participant's video is not displayed in these browsers.


Here are some key details about the issue:

Browsers Affected: Safari (MacOS) and Firefox.
a. In Chrome, the self-participant's video works perfectly.
b. In Safari, the video element for the self-participant remains blank whereas the other person can see my video.
c. In Firefox, the same issue occurs, and no errors appear in the console.
In Chrome and Safari (iOS) everything works fine but in Safari (MacOS) and Firefox I am having this issue. The other person can see my video completely fine but in my screen my video is not being displayed. In the console it is giving below error:


Uncaught Error: The video-player must have a video-player-container as its ancestor element.

Even though this error is also coming in Chrome still it is working fine there. I have attached the code below. Help me solve this issue.




const connectVideo = async (token) => {
if (isJoining) return; // Prevent multiple join attempts

try {
// await zoomClient.init("en-US", "Global");
await zoomClient.init("en-US", "Global", { patchJsMedia: true, enforceMultipleVideos:true });
await zoomClient.join(roomId, token || videoToken, userName);
zoomSession = zoomClient.getMediaStream();
} catch (error) {
setIsJoining(false); // Reset joining status on error




const Room = ({ roomName, room, handleLogout, userId, roomId }) => {

const zoomClient = ZoomVideo.createClient();

const getBookingDetails = async () => {
try {
const res = await ApiCall({
route: `booking/get_booking_detail/${roomName}`,
token: token,
verb: "get",
params: data,
if (res?.status == "200") {
return setBookingDetail(res?.response?.booking_detail);
} else {
console.log("your error is there", res?.response);
} catch (e) {
console.log("your error is there", e);

const { isLoading, data } = useQuery("bookingDetails", getBookingDetails);

useEffect(() => {
const handleUserAdded = (payload) => {
setParticipants((prevParticipants) => [payload]);

const handleUserRemoved = (payload) => {

const handleZoomPeer = (payload) => {
if (payload.action === "Start") {
// a user turned on their video, render it
room.attachVideo(payload.userId, 3).then((userVideo) => {
} else if (payload.action === "Stop") {
// a user turned off their video, stop rendering it
room.detachVideo(payload.userId).then((userVideo) => {
document.querySelector("video-player-container").innerHTML = "";

zoomClient.on("peer-video-state-change", handleZoomPeer);

return () => {
zoomClient.off("peer-video-state-change", handleZoomPeer);
}, [room, participants]);

useEffect(() => {
const userRemoved = (payload) => {
if (join) {
console.log("user removed", payload);
const newUserJoin = (payload) => {
console.log("User Joined Called", payload);

zoomClient.on("user-added", newUserJoin);
zoomClient.on("user-removed", userRemoved);
}, [join]);

async function askPermission() {
// Checking initial permission state for microphone and camera
const MicroPermission = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "microphone",
const VideoPermission = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "camera",

console.log("Micro Permission At Start", MicroPermission);
console.log("Video Permission At Start", VideoPermission);

try {
if (MicroPermission.state === "prompt") {
title: "Microphone access!",
text: "Please allow microphone access to communicate.",
showConfirmButton: false,
icon: "info",
allowOutsideClick: false,

// Request microphone access
await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });

const againMicroPermission = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "microphone",
if (againMicroPermission.state == "granted") {

} else if (againMicroPermission.state == "denied") {

// Handle the case when permission is denied
title: "Microphone Access Denied",
text: "You have denied microphone access. Some features may not work properly.",
icon: "error",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",

} else {
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors (e.g., if the user denies access)
console.log("Error requesting microphone permission:", error);
if (
error.name === "NotAllowedError" ||
error.name === "PermissionDeniedError"
) {
title: "Microphone Access Denied",
text: "You have denied microphone access. Some features may not work properly.",
icon: "error",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",

try {
// If video permission state is "prompt", ask the user for permission
if (VideoPermission.state === "prompt") {
title: "Camera access!",
text: "Please allow camera access to communicate.",
showConfirmButton: false,
icon: "info",
allowOutsideClick: false,

// Request microphone access
await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });

const againVideoPermission = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "camera",
if (againVideoPermission.state == "granted") {
"Camera permission granted:",

room.startVideo().then(() => {
.attachVideo(zoomClient.getCurrentUserInfo().userId, 3)
.then((userVideo) => {
} else if (againVideoPermission.state == "denied") {
"Camera permission denied:",
// Handle the case when permission is denied
title: "Camera Access Denied",
text: "You have denied microphone access. Some features may not work properly.",
icon: "warning",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",
"Again Camera Permission Check",
} else {
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors (e.g., if the user denies access)
console.log("Error requesting camera permission:", error);
if (
error.name === "NotAllowedError" ||
error.name === "PermissionDeniedError"
) {
title: "Camera Access Denied",
text: "You have denied camera access. Some features may not work properly.",
icon: "warning",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

useEffect(() => {
socketConnection.on("doctorCompleted", (data) => {
console.log("doctor left the video");
console.log(data?.booking_id, roomId, data?.booking_id == roomId);
if (data?.booking_id == roomId) setDoctorCompleted(true);
}, []);

// on metting leave
const onMeetingLeave = (id) => {
if (bookingDetail?.doctor_id?.user_id) {
title: "Are you sure?",
text: "Do you want to end consultation?",
icon: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonText: "No",
confirmButtonText: "Yes",
confirmButtonColor: "#c82333",
}).then(async (result) => {
if (result.isConfirmed) {
} else {
if (!bookingDetail?.doctor_id?.user_id) {
title: "Are you sure?",
text: "Do you want report delay from doctor and reschedule?",
icon: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonText: "No",
confirmButtonText: "Yes",
confirmButtonColor: "#c82333",
}).then(async (result) => {
if (result.isConfirmed) {
// main return

const sendNotificationHandler = async () => {
try {
const res = await ApiCall({
route: `receiptionist/add_notifications_for_receptionists`,
token: token,
verb: "post",
params: {
bookingId: bookingDetail?._id,
console.log(res?.response, "response");
if (res?.status == "200") {
console.log("res", res?.response);
"Your request for urgent attention has been notified.",
"Staff will be in contact with you soon.",
setTimePassed(new Date());
} else {
console.log("your error is there", res?.response);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Coudln't send", err);

const reportAndRescheduleHandler = async () => {

const closeReportModal = () => {

let items = [];

if (
participants?.length <= 0 &&
!bookingDetail?.doctor_id?.user_id &&
(new Date() - timePassedForDelay) / (1000 * 60) > 20
) {
id: "1",
label: (
className="report-button "
Report Delay & Reschedule

if (
participants?.length <= 0 &&
!bookingDetail?.doctor_id?.user_id &&
(new Date() - timePassed) / (1000 * 60) > 4
) {
id: "2",
label: (
style={{ transform: `rotate(0deg)` }}
class="fa-solid fa-phone"
Ring again

const toggleVideo = async () => {
console.log("Valuevale", isVideo);
if (isCamera === "granted") {
if (isVideo) {
console.log("video is allowed", isVideo);
room.stopVideo().then(() => {
.then((userVideo) => {
document.querySelector("video-local-player-container").innerHTML =
} else {
room.startVideo().then(() => {
.attachVideo(zoomClient.getCurrentUserInfo().userId, 3)
.then((userVideo) => {
console.log("userVideo", userVideo);
} else {
title: "Camera Permission",
text: "You have denied camera access. Please allow from the setting.",
icon: "warning",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",

useEffect(() => {
if (zoomClient && room) {
.filter((user) => user.userIdentity !== userId)
.forEach(async (user) => {
if (user.userIdentity !== userId) {
console.log(user, "user already joined");
if (user.bVideoOn) {
.then((userVideo) => {
document.querySelector("video-player-container").innerHTML =
.then(() => {
room.attachVideo(user.userId, 3).then((userVideo) => {

}, [zoomClient, room]);

const toggleAudio = async () => {
try {
console.log("ismute value is", isMute);
if (isAudio === "granted") {
await room.startAudio();
if (isMute) {
await room.muteAudio();
} else {
await room.unmuteAudio();
} else {
title: "Microphone Access Denied",
text: "You have denied microphone access. Please allow from the setting.",
icon: "warning",
confirmButtonText: "Ok",
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error toggling audio:", error);


return (
<div className="main-container-video-chat">
<div className="video-chat-container-header">
{!isMobile && (
onClick={() => navigate("/my-consultation")}

className="custom-button-video-call mobile-end-consultation end-consultation"
onClick={() => onMeetingLeave(bookingDetail?._id)}
<div className="video-chat-section-container-main">
<div className="video-chat-inner-contianer">
<div className="videoDiv-main">
style={{ display: participants.length == 0 ? "none" : "" }}

{join ? (
participants.length == 0 ? (
<div class="video-call-ended-text-in-box">
<p>Doctor has turned off their camera!</p>
) : (
) : (
<div class="video-call-ended-text-in-box">
<h4 class="h4">Consultation Paused!</h4>
? " We've notified the doctor. "
: " "}
Doctor will be in the session soon, please don't hesitate to
ask any questions in chat.

<div className="local-user-video">
{isCamera === "granted" ? (
isVideo ? (
<div className="local-video">
) : (
<div className="local-user-off-cam">
<i class={`fa-solid fa-video-slash text-7`}></i>
<p>Camera turned off.</p>
) : (

{isMobile && (
<div className="mobile-long-buttons-on-top">
{items?.length == 2
? items?.find((el) => el?.id == "1")?.label
: items?.find((el) => el?.id == "2")?.label}
<div className="video-chat-controls">
{isMobile && (
{isMobile && (
_id: bookingDetail?.chat_id,
booking: bookingDetail,

isCamera === "granted"
? "chat-control-button video-active"
: "chat-control-button"
onClick={() => toggleVideo()}
isCamera === "granted"
? isVideo
? "blue"
: "red"
: "orange",
isCamera == "granted"
? "Video Management"
: "Please provide video permissions"
class={`fa-solid fa-video${isVideo ? "" : "-slash"} text-7`}

isAudio === "granted"
? "chat-control-button video-active"
: "chat-control-button"
onClick={() => toggleAudio()}
isAudio === "granted"
? isMute
? "blue"
: "red"
: "orange",
? "Audio Management"
: "Please provide audio permissions"
class={`fa-solid fa-microphone${
isMute ? "" : "-slash"
} text-3`}
<div className="video-chat-main-buttons">
onClick={() => onMeetingLeave(bookingDetail?._id)}
End Consultation
{items?.length == 2
? items?.find((el) => el?.id == "1")?.label
: items?.find((el) => el?.id == "2")?.label}

{bookingDetail && !isMobile && (
_id: bookingDetail?.chat_id,
booking: bookingDetail,

export default Room;


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Resolved! Zoom Certification Course

Hi Zoom community,


I'm wondering if there is a complete Zoom certification course, similar to Microsoft Teams and Cisco?

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Resolved! Fire TV Omni Cant connect to Video or Audio of the Webcam

Hello, Recently we setup a new office that has Fire TV Omni's and Logitech C920 webcams (As per recommended by amazon for compatibility to the TV's). We have the Zoom app on the TV's but when going into a meeting or test meeting, the camera or microp... Show more



Recently we setup a new office that has Fire TV Omni's and Logitech C920 webcams (As per recommended by amazon for compatibility to the TV's).

We have the Zoom app on the TV's but when going into a meeting or test meeting, the camera or microphones are not picked up.


In the settings, it shows the camera seen as an external camera but there is no video feed and the camera itself does not have the light on as it normally would when the video is being seen.

We have tried mix and matching cameras, uninstalling and reinstalling the zoom app.
The camera and microphone works in other apps, just not zoom.

We allow all permissions that it prompts for. Went into the Application settings and allowed Zoom to view and use the camera and microphone, nothing has worked.


The turn camera on or off is grayed out. 


Amazon states it is an issue with the Zoom app and to contact zoom support.
Any suggestions or modifications to the app I can make, so this works?

Thank you in advance!

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