Live Transcription without Host
Please enable the ability to turn on auto-transcription services regardless of Host. As someone in the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community, captions have been an absolute life saver to my Zoom meeting experience. However, having to be reliant on the Host to enable the service is horrendous, especially if the Host can't make it for any reason and the meeting happens without them. At my company we have the ability to use Live (Auto) Transcriptions, so this isn't the case of requiring someone to manually do the transcriptions. To be clear, I am not asking about being able to save the transcriptions, and that feature could be disabled unless Host allows. Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Slack Huddle... all already offer this feature as standard. I simply want to be able to turn on captions (with "on by default" setting) for all zoom meetings, without asking for Host permission. This is an accessibility requirement.
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