accidentally disabled setting that automatically displays window when someone screen shares
In a Zoom meeting recently, I minimized the window that was displaying someone's shared screen, and Zoom prompted me to ask whether I wanted to disable the setting that automatically displays the shared screen window. For that meeting, I decided that would be really helpful, but as soon as I clicked yes, I realized that I was changing that setting permanently, not just for the meeting. Sure enough, now when someone shares their screen, I have to select the window from the ribbon at the top manually, and I'm missing the automatic display. I've gone through my settings in my online Zoom account, and I didn't see an option to reset this setting. When I search through the FAQs, all I see are ones troubleshooting sharing a screen, not viewing a shared screen. I've looked through all the settings I can find on the desktop app too, and I haven't seen anything that appears like it would reset this setting for me. Please help!
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