Debian Client, Upcoming Meeting Empty, Sporadically Shows
Greetings, This problem existed with the old client which I figured was the start of deprecation requiring updates. So, I finally updated to the latestZoom but this problem persists. I launch the client, I get a spinning circle as if it's trying to load my meeting and eventually stops with nothing. I wait, reload, click on other tabs, try other features (settings, chat msgs, etc) and then go back and usually still nothing, but sporadically surprise! meetings show up. Additionally, when I simply try to *JOIN* my own meeting the client timeout with an error. Seriously, WTH? It's a paid, registered account which I can chat with colleagues, but when it comes to just listing meeting...nada. Then I'm asked if I want to join from the browser...WHY???? Why should I launch Zoom's web site, log in, navigate to my meetings, click START, just for it to launch the client which is already open!?!? I wireshark'd my network and only port 443 requests are being made so it's not a normal firewall/networking issue. I removed a list of blacklisted networks from my firewall, reloaded my meetings, and they showed up. However, when I closed Zoom, cleared my blacklist, and launched Zoom again it would not show my meetings. So my firewall is not the issue. Just to be safe, what are the subnets (IPv4) used by Zoom, particularly for our scheduled meeting lists? I can use this to ensure they don't get blacklisted. Please don't just provide some /8 network from some cloud provider...that's far too many IPs as I'm sure Zoom does not utilize 16 million IPs. There must be a collection of IPs/subnets Zoom uses. Edit: Prior to editing this message, I reloaded my blacklist, edited this message, then went back to Zoom and reloaded my meetings. Surprise! They showed up. It's as if I have to wait until Zoom gets comfy before I can reload and see my meetings. You all need to do some serious testing with your Linux clients. --dagershman
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