MacBook Pro w/ Apple M1 Pro crashing during local recording
Hello. I'm looked through the forums and seen some references to this but no obvious fix to date so posting here with other findings. I'm having persistent crashes when recording a Zoom call locally between myself and 1 or 2 others. This does NOT happen on my MacBook Pro M1 (2020) model for whatever reason. I'm running the latest version on both - 5.10.1 (5839) as of today - and have no antivirus or other security software running in the background. I think the only things I DO have running are Adobe CC, 1Password and TextExpander. Any guidance here would be appreciated as this tends to happen within 10 minutes or so during every recording and has become extremely frustrating. I've submitted crash reports to Zoom on at least 2 occasions when this has happened. Help! Thanks
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