Resolved! Breakout Rooms and Cloud Recording
Hi. I want to break a class of 15 students into 3 groups (like in breakout rooms). However, I know you can't record to the cloud in breakout rooms. So, I was thinking of starting 3 different Zoom sessions where the students can go into one of the three rooms and the session thereby gets recorded to the cloud. I know I can't be in more than one Zoom session at a time but if I log out, can my students go into the three Zoom meetings that are listed on my college account? They would all be on at the same time. We tried this last week and managed to get 2 to work (somehow) but one group couldn't get on. I am doing this to try to avoid having to have individual students record to their computers and then upload the contents for me. I have many Zoom sessions listed on my account but not sure if they can be used simultaneously. I hope you understand what I am trying to do. (Briefly - I have 15 students giving presentations - I don't want to have all studentss listening to every presentation so I want to break into 3 groups and have students listen to 4 others plus themselves. But, I want it recorded to the cloud so that we can go listen to it later.). Any help you could offer would be greatfully appreciated.
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