Zoom ignores Logitech / LogiTune camera settings
I recently upgraded to a new Macbook Pro with Monterey, and since then Zoom has been giving me problems with the webcam I use for my home office. I use a Logitech c922 camera with the LogiTune software to crop the camera to focus only on a part of my home office background. However, every time Zoom grabs camera access (including starting a meeting, turning the camera on and off, or even going into video preferences), it treats it as if I am using the default camera settings, ignoring the LogiTune setup. I can restore the settings by going back to the LogiTune setup process (at which point Zoom recognizes the settings I put in beforehand), but I don't want to be showing my full background for the first 10-15 seconds of each meeting I have. This is also *only* a Zoom problem -- all other applications that use the camera accept the LogiTune settings without issue. This is also an issue with alternate Logitech software (G Hub) that again works with all other programs. This issue might be related to another unsolved problem with Logitech cameras not working in HD on new Macs (https://community.zoom.com/t5/Chat/Anybody-else-having-problem-with-Logitech-webcam-with-the-new/m-p/22394#!) since the solutions seem to be similar. But has anyone found settings in Zoom that can be changed to fix this issue, or any other workaround? Thanks!
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