In a hybrid meeting there is a long delay in audio from the speakers in the meeting room.
I tried a hybrid meeting today with some attendees and the presenter in the meeting room and other attendees on Zoom. It was a disaster. The problem was that when the presenter spoke into the microphone connected to the pc that was connected to the Zoom meeting, her voice came out of the speakers in the room that were connected to the pc after a very noticeable delay. The result was that people in the room could not understand the presenter due to the combination of her voice and the delayed echo of her voice from the speakers. We got through the meeting by unplugging the speakers when the presenter was speaking and having her yell to be heard by everyone in the room but that is not a usable solution. Can someone tell me how to setup the hardware to avoid the long delay of the presenters voice coming from speakers connected to a pc connected to the Zoom meeting? Thanks.
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