Activate Zoom Huddles
Hello, We got early access to the Zoom Huddles feature. We got an email which describes that we should assign this licences to our users: "In this phase of the beta, account owners or admins will need to provision Zoom Huddles licenses to the users that want to access the product. For a reminder on how licenses are assigned, visit this support article." Unfortunately I was not able to find any Zoom Huddles related setting under the user management or under a user's edit view. Could somebody help us how we could enable the feature, beause we truly would like to try it and to provide feedback about it. Anyway I also wanted to ask you if a non-licensed user (licence type basic) will be able to use this feature? Because in our small company we have four users from which only I'm licensed because our actual financial state does not permit us to buy licences for all of our users. And I also wanted to ask you if the feature will be free for us or not. We are waiting for any help, and thank you so much 🙂
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