Zoom Meetings
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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

I can't hear the caller on acer nitro an515-46

The sound of the interlocutor on the acer nitro an515-46 is muffled, when displaying the screen, when I show a video, I can hear the interlocutor jerking, as well as without displaying, just as if muffled.Reinstalled the drivers, zoom, changed the se...

Forriss by Newcomer
  • 0 replies


I cant recorded a session but i want to download it, is it possible or not


パソコンOS Windows11ZOOMバージョン 5.15.1(17948) お世話になります。プロアカウントで使用しています。 待機室へ参加者が入室する際、以前はチャイム音が鳴っていましたが、現在はならなくなりました。 以下のことは確認済です。1. 「参加または退出時にサウンドを再生」チェック入っている2. スピーカーはオン。ミュートではない。3.「待機室を有効にする」グレーアウトで表示されているが、チェックは入っている。チェックはグレーアウトではない。4. パソコン、ZOOMは再起動後も症...

ken38 by Newcomer
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Resolved! Zoom Settings

I don't know where to go and what to read to find out the following:1. How can I set participants to NOT be on video and NOT be able to override this setting?2. As the moderator, I DO want to be able to display portions of an Excel sheet and a small ...

iphone zoom chats

When i record my zoom chats using my iponne my screen is smaller than my guests screens as they are using a desktop or a laptop. How can i make my screen the same size as my guests so all screens look the same when i play it back after it has been re...