Zoom Meetings
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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Обрезка записи в облаке

Подскажите, пжлст, при обрезке записи в облаке она удаляется совсем или где-то сохраняется обрезанный кусок? По ошибке обрезала нужную часть и осталась не нужная. Можно восстановить как-то?

Resolved! Missing recording

I recorded a Zoom call from a 3rd party platform, Profi. After the call ended I couldn't find the recording on the local or cloud section in Zoom or the 3rd party platform. Any suggestion about what went wrong or how I can receive my recorded call?

Postponed meeting not visible

I postponed a meeting by 3 days and could not see it in my list of upcoming meetings on the due date. I was able to log in with the link from the invitation, the meeting could take place, but why couldn't I find it in the overview?