Bug report for 6.1.0: Computer Audio can't be shared
Here is a bug report for Ver.6.1.0. It can’t share the computer audio from outside source. My setting is like [external music player]----USB cable---[Windows PC]. Then, set the USB device’s sound property as “Listen to this device” so that I can hear the music from the on-PC speaker. With this setting, I could share the music with guest by “Share Computer Audio” unlit Ver.6.1.0 update. However, the music can’t be shared with Ver.6.1.0. By the way, music playing on the PC, such as by iTunes, still can be shared. This problem is only for the external sound source from USB. I have confirmed this problem at least 3 different PCs, HP Note PC (Windows10 Home), Dell note PC (Windows11 Pro), and HP Note PC (Windows11 Home premium). For all PC, the problem diapered when I roll back zoom version.
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