With dual monitor, sharing PPT slides in Presentation View, how do you see Gallery View of Students?
I'm trying to learn how to use dual monitors and share the Presentation View of PPT slides, which allows me to see the notes for each slide while sharing the other view without the notes. The problem is- I can't see the gallery view any more of the attendees, so if I want to interact with a specific student, I have no idea who is out there? Do I have to share the 'normal view' of PPT slides to be able to see the Gallery View of participants? Also, a secondary issue, when I try to share the 'normal view' of PPT slides, sometimes the screen share 'auto-pauses'. When I send students to 'Breakout Rooms' for a group task, usually, the previous screen share process has stopped, and it has to be restarted. The restarting process can throw fragments of screens around on the desktop views of the students, which is less than desirable. Any thoughts on how to address this? Getting pretty frustrated here. Thanks for your thoughts.
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