Resolved! Force limit sharing options / always share exact same thing / shortcut to share predefined choice
TL;DR: How can we predefine a share target and immediately start sharing it? Hi. We have a series of meetings where two presenters need to share their screen, one after the other. When Presenter 1 is finished and stops sharing their screen (say, with ALT-S), we need to minimize the awkward and inelegant time gap between then and Presenter 2 starting up. Eventually we flip back to P1, back to P2, etc. Regardless of how Presenter 2 starts the sharing dialog (Share button or ALT-S) there's still a painful process (to go through or sit through) of Presenter 2 finding the correct item to share then initiating the share. In our case, we specifically want presenters to only show the PowerPoint slide show application window, not the whole screen, so that includes the extra step of having to scroll down the list of share options. PowerPoint itself adds one more complication - if you've already started your screen share, there are many windows that all look the same at first glance, so it's too easy to get confused and select the wrong one. How can we predefine a share target and immediately start sharing it? The speed and precision of ALT-S to stop a share, but instead to start sharing a known thing. Thanks!
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