Slow UI due to bluetooth conference speaker?
Not sure if anyone can help with this but here goes... We've got this Anker PowerConf Bluetooth speakerphone, which works great, but I noticed that when I've got it connected, Zoom runs slower, but once I disconnect it, everything runs fine. For example, when I start a meeting, and click the button to join with audio, it takes about 15 seconds to join when normally it's done in about 3. Everything in Zoom takes many seconds more than it's supposed to, which adds up. Not only that, but it seems like Zoom can't keep up with the camera feed either. If I wave my arm back and forth, I can notice jittering; I can see it try to process movements I've already made seconds ago. The PC is fast, so that's not the issue. It's a newer Dell Inspiron with a 10th gen i5 processor, 12 GB ram, and a fast SSD. Everything moves fast normally. And everything still moves fast when the speaker's connected, except zoom. We've been dealing with this for months, but it's kind of frustrating so I thought I'd see if anyone else has experienced this problem?
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