New Zoom app problems
Hello. As I have a Chromebook, support for the Zoom app ended a couple of weeks ago. I host a weekly meeting with up to ten participants, including myself. I have a paid account. At my first meeting with the new App last Wednesday (7th August) my own video was invisible to the others once everybody joined. They could all hear me. Towards the end of the meeting, one of the participants left early; as soon as she left my video became visible. This can't be a coincidence! Before she left, there were nine participants, including myself. Have I missed something? Do I need to change some setting or other now I have the new app? Or maybe the participant number has been changed with the new app? I also experienced connection issues during the meeting - has one else in the community experienced this too? Thank you in advance for your help. (I'm in the UK by the way)
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