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Unable to launch or edit polls as host


Initially when I start a scheduled a meeting, I am able to edit and launch polls as host. However, when another user joins the meeting using the same login credentials and becomes co-host, the host is locked out of launching polls. However, the co-host often (but not always) has the ability to edit and launch a poll. This seems to me to be a bug with Zoom. Why can't the host continue to be able to launch polls?



Initially when I start a scheduled a meeting, I am able to edit and launch polls as host.  However, when another user joins the meeting using the same login credentials and becomes co-host, the host is locked out of launching polls.  However, the co-host often (but not always) has the ability to edit and launch a poll.  This seems to me to be a bug with Zoom.  Why can't the host continue to be able to launch polls?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @artzingo,


I hear “everybody does it” all the time, but sharing credentials to a single Zoom account is against Zoom’s Terms and Conditions. See my other posts like this one about ways around this policy under I certain circumstances.


I think you might be mixing your use of the term Host. There’s the Host in the sense of being the person who scheduled the meeting, and there’s the Host as listed on the Participant window. When your account is logged into and used to join the meeting again -– Zoom doesn’t know if it’s you or someone else. Zoom makes the assumption that it’s you (since it should only be you) and offers to make that attendee instance the Host – and there is only one Host at a time. If that “user” grabs Host privilege, you are demoted to Co-Host.


The solution would be to change your password to not allow others to log in and attend with your account credentials. Anyone that needs to attend can do so with Basic/free account. The link I provided above discusses a way to allow others to host the meeting if you are unable to attend. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.