Zoom Meetings
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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

audio sur haut parleurs externes

Bonjour,Depuis mon changement de PC et installation de windows 11, je n'arrive plus à demander le son sur un haut parleur JBL externe. le systeme Zoom ne me propose que le son de l'ordinateur et plus le bluetooth.Avez vous eu ce probleme? comment est...

KilyaCM by Newcomer
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No Paring code for controller

I've installed Crestron MX-50 system with two screens.Unfortunately instead of Paring code for controller I am getting Unlicensed Room view on Displays.How I can get the paring code for controller with this system?

Recording in immersive view

Hi I have an issue with local recording of a Zoom meeting using immersive view. Whenever I record a meeting, all my guests are in excellent HD quality, but me, as host, am very blurred and in low quality, as is the immersive background image (which i...

Nuvem bloqueada

A minha nuvem está bloqueada porque excedi o limite máximo de gravações na nuvem. Agora, não consigo apagar nada do que lá está para voltar a utilizar a nuvem dentro dos limites dos 5GB que me são fornecidos. Como posso fazer para desbloquear a conta...

LUMO by Newcomer
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Using link meeting

I use zoom to setup meetings with my clients. I used to be able to send one link and the client could reuse it for the future meetings. since I bought a new computer that has been impossible. My clients said when they try to reuse the link, they get ...

Aj77 by Newcomer
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Hintergrundbild verzerrt

Mein Hintergrundbild, das ich mir selbst per Foto gemacht habe, wird immer nur in die Breite verzerrt dargestellt. Das geht mit allen meinen eigenen Hintergrundbildern so. Wie kann ich die Verzerrung verhindern?