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Welcome to the Customer Success Forum!

Welcome to the Customer Success Forum! This is a collaborative place for Zoom users to share customer success stories, learn about upcoming events, and exchange use cases for helpful ways to use Zoom features.

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Zoom Workplace not recognising internet connection

Hi. I've just been 'upgraded' to Zoom Workplaces. When I try a log in I get "You are unable to connect to Zoom. Please check your connection and try again" My wired connection is just fine. Running MacOS Samona 14.5 on a MacBook Pro. Doesn't work on ... Show more



I've just been 'upgraded' to Zoom Workplaces. When I try a log in I get "You are unable to connect to Zoom. Please check your connection and try again" My wired connection is just fine. Running MacOS Samona 14.5 on a MacBook Pro. Doesn't work on iPad but does on iPhone.


I've tried all the uninstall, clear cache, reinstall etc etc and nothing works. I'm assuming it's a security issue but can't work it out. Appreciate any solution ideas.

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track sources problem

I have a Zoom Workplace Pro account and I am trying to track sources of registration for an upcoming zoom call.  I followed all the directions of the zoom bot thingy and even ChatGPT and nothing seems to be working.  Please help!

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"How effective and efficient are you at scheduling your appointments?"

Introducing Zoom Scheduler. Zoom Scheduler is a powerful scheduling tool designed to streamline appointment and meeting management. It integrates with popular calendars, supports various event types (one-on-one, group, round-robin), and automates wor... Show more

Introducing Zoom Scheduler. 


Zoom Scheduler is a powerful scheduling tool designed to streamline appointment and meeting management. It integrates with popular calendars, supports various event types (one-on-one, group, round-robin), and automates workflows like reminders and follow-ups. Customizable notifications, detailed analytics, and branding options enhance the user experience. For teams, it offers advanced features like booking on behalf of others, managing permissions, and SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) for security. Zoom Scheduler is cost-effective, time-saving, and helps improve both individual and team scheduling efficiency.


Zoom Scheduler offers many similar features to other scheduling tools like Calendly, but at a lower starting price. It’s ideal for users already within the Zoom ecosystem, offering seamless integration with Zoom meetings and calendar tools.


Here's a comparison between Zoom Scheduler and Calendly.


Zoom Scheduler starts at a lower price point of $4.99 per month per seat, or is included with Zoom’s Business and Enterprise plans, while Calendly’s Standard plan begins at $10 per month per seat, and its Teams plan costs $16 per month per seat. Both platforms offer unlimited event types, such as one-on-one or group meetings, though Calendly’s free tier limits users to a single event type.


Zoom Scheduler and Calendly both allow up to six calendar connections per person and provide the ability to book meetings on behalf of others, as well as create automated workflows like reminders and follow-up messages.


Customization features such as notifications, reminders, and the ability to update cancellation policies or add links to confirmation pages are available on both platforms at their paid tiers. Zoom Scheduler and Calendly also support collective events and offer analytics and insights into scheduled meetings.


Branding and live chat support are included with paid plans as well. For team functionality, both platforms allow the creation of round-robin events, the use of routing forms, and the ability to lock and sync managed events across teams. Zoom Scheduler includes SAML single sign-on (SSO) in its business plans, while Calendly charges an additional $3 per user per month for the Teams plan but includes it with its Enterprise plan.


Overall, Zoom Scheduler offers similar features to Calendly at a lower base price, making it an appealing option for users already in Zoom’s ecosystem. 


Let's get started with Zoom Scheduler!



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ZOOM was at Burning Man in 2023!

Hey Camp Envy! Today was magic! I finally got to thank Matthew F. Reyes aka MotorbikeMatt for everything in person via the interweb! I've been Camp Envy since 2013 and my gift has been grabbing screen shots of the webcast, and reposting them (sometim... Show more
Hey Camp Envy! Today was magic! I finally got to thank Matthew F. Reyes aka MotorbikeMatt for everything in person via the interweb! I've been Camp Envy since 2013 and my gift has been grabbing screen shots of the webcast, and reposting them (sometimes with meme qualities) to share with Camp Envy because they missed it. Like the pic here from 2022. Also people on The Playa don't have our perspective of "master shot from far away" and these pic are incredible, immediate and history! This year I was enthralled in TheWindow project: a zoom window in the Artery on the Esplanade during the event, so I wasn't here at all. Watching bikes ride by, mutant vehicles parked outside, hearing the OOOONTZ OOONTZ OOONTZ of music, and having a community of Burners talking to Burners on The Playa was so much more interactive than watching the static shot and typing at the chat. I have been sharing pics from the Burn and from the people we met this week. Pictures that haven't been seen. History that hasn't been told. So, if you are interested, we have evolved TheWindow project into Camp FOMO. We also have a discord and I am sharing pics, vids, and stories both places with Camp Envy members who want to see and hear and participate. So, not everyone knows that Matt almost died in a motel room in Empire last year making the BMWebcast happen for all of us, and then ended up in the hospital. F*CK YEAH THAT HAPPENED! So my post last night was a digital Thank you for this year and the years before. Thank you all for making that happen. You reactions and comments were beautiful! And I didn't tag Matt until there was a trail of hearts coming off of it. Then I sent him a message "For all you do, Thanking you!"
I've been trying to get him in the Zoom chat since Tuesday of the Burn, and he was sending story pics back on fb from restaurants and other not Burning Man locations all week. So today I was alone chatting with my Second Life avatar friend from the United Kingdom, waiting for the next digital adventurer to click the link that I was posting all week and stumble into our little Black Rock City, BRCVR and Camp Envy adjacent space... when Matt finally opened a window and appeared from his office space! MIND BLOWN! TOTAL FANBOY! OMG! So that happened. You should have been there. So, even more Playa Magic through this project. Come and hear stories, tell stories, see pic and vids that haven't been seen in twenty years, engage in human interaction through this f*cking piece of electronic isolation! We BURNED on THE PLAYA with the differently abled, medically challenged, financially unable, Burners from other countries, and others who can never be at Burning Man. But they could because of TheWindow. And I got to Thank Matt in person at last! Thanks for reading all the way through. I hope you will be there with me for the next magic moment. We are keeping the Camp FOMO window open for as long as there is interest and participation. We are also thinking of having our own camp and digital connection next Burn, and as long as we have consent and co-operation from the BMorg, we can make it happen next year too. The BMWebcast is an integral part of the experience and THANKS EVERYONE AGAIN in case you missed my messages! We formed a community and Burned together and with people on The Playa. When they had to shut the Zoom window in the Artery down on Friday when the storm hit, we zoomed with people in the mud and stuck in camp. We knew the news before BMIR including the truth about the unfortunate death on Friday. And we were laughing at the media reports coming in, the Dip-sh+t coverage, etc. because we were in contact with our friends and family out there and were sharing those reports with the group. Thanks to a Ranger at Greeters' Camp, and friends in different camps we had a unique perspective on the media created "disaster". We had amazing Burners drop in and tell stories. We got Danger Ranger telling the origin story from Black Beach to Black Rock City! IT WAS AWESOME! And Saturday night we burned The Man in Ross' and my backyard together, then watched the real Man Burn together. FOMO, JOMO, and FOMO again. And then we all cried together in our zoom chat while muted in silence during the Temple burn. We watched the Exodus and teardown via news and interweb vids as the first escapees from the mud came and told us what happened. Camp FOMO is radically inclusive and we are still open.
THANK YOU IF YOU READ MY LONG WNDED TALE! I would love to share my story of riding a dragon across The Playa at night with swing music playing and then having the neck break and almost getting blown up at Burning Man.... IT WAS AWESOME!
And now it has a new ending and video and audio attachments!
THANK YOU MATT! THANK YOU Professr Pickle! (Pickle was just here too, and we had the best time tonight) THANK YOU EVERYONE INVOVED IN THE BM WEBCAST AND THEWINDOW PROJECT! THANK YOU CAMP ENVY!
Peace and Love, JoshWillTravel

The Temple of The Heart burns! (as seen from Camp FOMO) Thank you Rand and Temple Crew! We talked to the guy who did all the solar and also keeps the art lit in Deep Playa at night during the Burn. He came to the window and told us they ran out of night as they were lighting the Temple. BRAVO! Best Temple ever!
p.s. sorry for the typos, it's late and it came out naturally...
I'll go back and fix them in the morning.

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Las herramientas de Zoom. Recopilación Temporada 2

A lo largo de 2024 hemos ido aclarando más herramientas que Zoom ofrece para sus Reuniones y Webinarios. Con el espíritu de hacer el contenido más accesible, hemos creado está entrada en la Comunidad recopilando todo lo comentado hasta la fecha y com... Show more

A lo largo de 2024 hemos ido aclarando más herramientas que Zoom ofrece para sus Reuniones y Webinarios. Con el espíritu de hacer el contenido más accesible, hemos creado está entrada en la Comunidad recopilando todo lo comentado hasta la fecha y combinando todos los videos instructivos en un solo lugar. Si se han perdido la primera temporada, aquí pueden repasarla.


A continuación encontrarán todas las entradas de la segunda temporada de “Las herramientas de Zoom”. Muchas gracias a todos los que han participado, aportado ideas y compartido opiniones.




Episodio 1: Subtítulos y Subtítulos Traducidos, haciendo tus reuniones más comprensibles


¡Estamos de vuelta con nuestra serie acerca de las herramientas de Zoom! Los subtítulos son una función disponible en las Reuniones de Zoom que nos permiten ver una transcripción de la conversación, dándonos la opción de seguir la reunión con más facilidad. Además, con el paquete de subtítulos traducidos podemos traducir la conversación que estamos presenciando a un idioma que nos sea más fácil entender.

Para aprender más sobre Subtítulos y Subtítulos Traducidos, echémosle un vistazo al siguiente video:








Episodio 2: Notas de Zoom, toma apuntes durante tus reuniones 


Con la función de Notas puedes tomar apuntes dentro y fuera de las reuniones y compartirlas con quien quieras. La posibilidad de tener la herramienta incrustada en la pantalla de la reunión o en una ventana separada te da una mayor flexibilidad. Además nos ayuda a mantener todos nuestros apuntes en la misma aplicación que nuestras reuniones.


Para aprender más sobre Notas, echémosle un vistazo al siguiente video creado con Zoom Clips:







Episodio 3: Pizarras de Zoom, colabora y da rienda suelta a tu imaginación


Las Pizarras de Zoom, disponibles a través de las reuniones, la aplicación, el navegador y Zoom Rooms, nos proporcionan flexibilidad a la hora de colaborar. Son fáciles de compartir y utilizar, con un gran número de herramientas y plantillas disponibles para ayudarnos a plasmar nuestras ideas.


Para aprender más sobre Pizarras, echémosle un vistazo al siguiente video creado con Zoom Clips:








Episodio 4: Interpretación en Reuniones y Webinarios de Zoom, reuniones más accesibles al alcance de todos


La herramienta de interpretación de Zoom es muy sencilla de programar y utilizar. Con la interpretación podemos crear canales de audio los cuales podemos asignar a los intérpretes con los que trabajamos habitualmente y a los que nuestros asistentes se pueden conectar a su aire.


Para aprender más sobre Interpretación, echémosle un vistazo al siguiente video:







Si quieren saber más sobre la Sala de Espera, Preguntas y Respuestas, Votaciones y Cuestionarios o el Control Compartido de las Diapositivas, pueden visitar el post de la primera temporada.


Espero que este post les haya resultado útil. No duden en dejar comentarios y participar en la Comunidad de Zoom.

¡Si tienen temas que quisieran ver abordados de esta manera, déjenos sus ideas en los comentarios!

¡Hasta la próxima!


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zoom Website

Nothing happens when I choose "Cookie Preferences" at the bottom of the Zoom website

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I was scheduling a meeting and was told "I needed to update ZOOM."


But, it did not give me a link.  


The Virtual helper was of no use finding it.


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An introduction to AI safety and security

Artificial intelligence has entered the mainstream and helped us achieve new heights in efficiency through technology. This makes the advantages of AI seem practically limitless, giving our imaginations plenty of runway to reimagine what’s possible. ... Show more

Artificial intelligence has entered the mainstream and helped us achieve new heights in efficiency through technology. This makes the advantages of AI seem practically limitless, giving our imaginations plenty of runway to reimagine what’s possible. 

While it’s fun to dream up the next great idea, implementing a new AI solution requires a strong commitment to safety and securing the data that drives it. We’re kicking off a new series on the Zoom blog, where we’ll discuss how and why you should implement generative AI safely and what Zoom is doing to create a safe and secure AI environment for our customers.



What is generative AI and how does it work?


AI can serve many different purposes, and generative AI gives you tools to generate new content including images, words, sounds, videos, and data through multiple inputs and outputs to AI models. Sometimes referred to as GenAI, generative AI goes beyond what’s humanly possible and uses various AI and machine learning algorithms to deliver instant results when prompted. In return, people can accelerate their work and save valuable time with generative AI tools for tasks such as drafting meeting summaries, sourcing images, or overcoming writer’s block with copywriting assistance. 


Generative AI solutions can be invaluable to the end user, freeing up time to focus on more meaningful work. But before you choose which AI tools to implement in your workflows, it’s important to consider a few things.


  1. Determine and outline the problems you want to solve. Are you trying to improve customer service? Simplify repetitive tasks? Assess new trends? Translate and localize content quickly?
  2. Develop a timeline. How quickly are you able to explore, evaluate, and implement your AI options? What teams in your organizations need to sign off? What’s the cost of moving too slowly?
  3. Decide what matters to you. Different AI tools come with different benefits, drawbacks, and questions to ask the vendors you’re evaluating. What features are included in their services and how do they align with your goals?

In addition to these questions, it’s important to research how a vendor handles AI safety and security, and their privacy measures for implementing and using generative AI. We also recommend organizations and their end-users explore how data is collected and used to power the AI tools they want to implement.



What is AI safety versus AI security?


To begin with, it’s important to know how AI safety compares to AI security. AI safety and security are fundamental yet distinct aspects of the deployment and protection of AI systems, but specifically:


  • AI security is focused on safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data used in AI models and systems.
  • AI safety involves broader considerations related to robustness and reliability, ethical implications, long-term societal, economic, and environmental impacts, and impacts on human rights and values.



AI security at Zoom



To overcome some of the security challenges that surface with AI integrations (namely the need to safeguard AI models, datasets, and training environments), there are a number of emerging guidelines, standards, and frameworks from respected institutions such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and jointly: the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Our approach to AI security aligns with these industry standards and leading practices and is designed to preserve the trust and confidence of our users by focusing on mitigating emerging threats. 


Our commitment to AI security is also integrated throughout the entire Zoom Secure Development Lifecycle (ZSDLC), encompassing secure supply chain management, model training, secure design, secure development, secure operation, and employee training. We’re incorporating AI considerations into our GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) policies and risk framework, and also including security testing and research conducted by our Security Assurance team.



How Zoom approaches AI safety


Our approach to AI safety starts with the models and data we use to build our services. For Zoom-hosted models, we validate and manage our training data, and when selecting third-party vendors, we evaluate their safety procedures to ensure they align with our mission. Our evaluations include testing the models against standard safety metrics to validate common issues that can occur through model training. 


Account owners and admins have controls to manage the availability of AI features for their accounts, including user and group level controls that provide options for deployment. These options include, when appropriate, allowing for human review of outputs before being shared more broadly. Additionally, when using in-meeting features within Zoom Workplace (our open collaboration platform with AI Companion), the sparkle icon notifies you that AI is enabled and in use to help provide transparency for customers and participants. 


Here are three different ways we approach AI security and safety at Zoom:


  1. Protection of Zoom's AI products and services that utilize generative AI – such as Zoom AI Companion and Zoom Contact Center Expert Assist – and the underlying models that support them.
  2. Leveraging AI throughout our security program and practices to stay ahead of evolving threats.
  3. Securing Zoom's internal use of AI.

Managing safety and security alongside a federated AI approach



 At Zoom, we take a federated approach to AI, which means we apply the best large-language models for a specific task, including third-party AI models that customers are already familiar with. Customers can choose which features they use and whether they want to use Zoom-hosted models only, which is available for select features. This gives administrators more control over what’s available within their organization. 


In line with our commitment to responsible AI, Zoom does not use any customer audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments, or other communications like customer content (such as poll results, whiteboard, and reactions) to train Zoom’s or third-party artificial intelligence models. For more information about how Zoom AI Companion handles customer data,  visit our support page.



AI Companion, safety, security, and the future


While this initial discussion of AI safety and security just begins to scratch the surface, in the coming months, we’ll share more details about how we’re maximizing our efforts during the global shift to AI. We believe that AI is an incredible way to improve the way we work and that this is just the beginning. As we continue to release new features for AI Companion and Zoom Workplace, rest assured, AI safety and security are at the forefront of our development process.  


If you want to learn more about Zoom’s approach to privacy and security, join us for our upcoming webinar, titled Zoom’s Approach to AI Privacy and Security, on September 26, 2024.  

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Can't add Video to Zoom background (old computer)

I can add image backgrounds to my Zoom meetings (have green paper on my back wall & stand) but no option to add a video for my b/g (timer video during Toastmasters meeting). All others seem to be able to do this. I can share screen but not change my ... Show more

I can add image backgrounds to my Zoom meetings (have green paper on  my back wall & stand) but no option to add a video for my b/g (timer video during Toastmasters meeting).    All others seem to be able to do this.   I can share screen but not change my b/g while on the Zoom meeting.  Thank you.

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Level Up Your Teamwork with Zoom Docs! 🚀

Already vibing with Zoom for your virtual hangouts and meetings? Then you’re in for a treat! Zoom just dropped a new feature that’s about to make your group projects, study sessions, and team collabs way easier: Zoom Docs✨ So, What’s the Hype About?... Show more

Already vibing with Zoom for your virtual hangouts and meetings? Then you’re in for a treat! Zoom just dropped a new feature that’s about to make your group projects, study sessions, and team collabs way easier: Zoom Docs📄


So, What’s the Hype About?

Zoom Docs is your new go-to tool for real-time document magic. Whether you’re plotting your next big idea, jotting down notes, or just want a single spot for everyone to contribute, this feature lets you do it all directly inside Zoom. Say goodbye to app-switching headaches and hello to smooth, seamless collabs. 🙌


Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 3.34.55 PM.png


Why You’ll Love It:

  1. Live Edits, No Stress: Forget the back-and-forth of emailing docs or switching between apps. With Zoom Docs, you and your squad can work together in real time without ever leaving your Zoom call. Instant edits, live comments, zero hassle.
  2. One App to Rule Them All: If you’re already using Zoom, Docs slides right into your setup. No extra installs, no juggling multiple platforms—just open a doc and get to work. It’s all-in-one, just like it should be.
  3. More Chill, More Productive: Less time app-hopping means more time getting stuff done. Zoom Docs helps you focus, streamline, and crush your goals together, faster.
  4. Security On Lock: It’s Zoom, so you know your stuff is safe. Docs comes with all the same top-notch security you’ve come to expect from Zoom, so your documents are as protected as your meetings.

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Get Started in 3...2...1!

Ready to try it out? Here’s how you jump in:

  1. Open Zoom and hit up the ‘Docs’ tab.
  2. Start a new doc or dive into an existing one.
  3. Share with your crew and start collabing like a pro!

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If you’re already on Zoom, Docs is live and waiting for you. If you’re new to Zoom, now’s the time to hop on board and see what you’ve been missing!


When to Use It:

  • Group Projects: Co-create, edit, and finalize docs with your group in real time—no need to wait for “updated versions.”
  • Brainstorming Sessions: Jot down all your wild ideas on the spot and keep the creativity flowing.
  • Study Sessions: Keep everyone on the same page with shared notes and docs that you can all edit together.


What’s Next?

Zoom is all about keeping you connected, and Docs is another step in making sure you’re working smarter, not harder. Whether you’re a Zoom veteran or just diving in, try out Zoom Docs today and see how it takes your teamwork to the next level.

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Ready to Collab? Jump into Zoom Docs Now!
Make teamwork fun, easy, and efficient with Zoom’s latest feature. Give it a try and let the collab vibes flow! 🌊

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