Display name question
Hello, We are an online language school and looking to change to Zoom from January 2023, but we need to be able to use the usernames in our LMS for students and teachers to log into the Zoom classrooms. We would really appreciate help in figuring out a method or workaround to change the Display name simply (the in-meeting [Rename] feature is not quite suitable. The main reason is for security - showing your real name in the language school online group classes could lead to another student trying to make unwarranted contact on other social media. And a host of other possible issues with privacy. And also for teacher-student clarity. So for example: If we have a class and 3 people named John Smith enter the classroom - it would be impossible for the teacher to know which John... If they enter the room with their own username (for example JohnS-US, John-AU, John-NZ)- which is the username in the Reservation System - it is clear to the teacher who just entered, who attended/who was absent, etc. Our current VOIP classroom provider (Electa Live) already has this feature - since it is basically designed to be compatible with their own LMS and also 3rd party LMS including moodle etc. Is there any way to implement something similar or a workaround, or a solution - using Zoom? Really eagerly awaiting a response.
We would really appreciate an option to have students enter the room using their usual student name as their display name.
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