ZoomRoom and a trainer's office
Our goal is to create a distance learning/training ZoomRoom that doubles as a trainer's office. - The ZoomRoom is controlled by a Logi Roommate and Tap controller, with a PC supplying content (via Power Point) during distance learning "meetings" which is sent via HDMI to the Roommate and then to a large front-of-the-room display. - It's that PC that must handle all office duties and also supply content (via PowerPoint) for non-distance learning training sessions - meaning no Zoom involved. But that PC/content still has to go through ZoomRoom/Roommate if it is sent to the front-of-the-room display. I'm testing this non-distance learning scenario by selecting "Share Content" on the Tap controller. The ZoomRoom home screen is instantly replaced by the extended screen of the PC (this is great). I've thrown a couple of windows onto that extended screen as place holders for a PowerPoint presentation. The Tap controller is displaying prompts with meeting info, volume control, and buttons to Stop Sharing or Start Meeting. I'm hopeful that as long as a meeting isn't started, the PC signal bypasses Zoom and simply displays on the front display. The questions: Is this the best way to set up the PC in the room to present ZoomRoom content, non-distance learning content and act as an everyday computer? In the non-distance learning set up, will Zoom go into sleep mode, or time-out in some fashion?
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