Resolved! run multiple workshops & breakout rooms in one Zoom meeting?
Below is what we need to do for upcoming seminar. Is this possible? Need to run two separate presentations at same time, then open multiple breakout rooms for attendees to each presentation. We will have a hosts & co-host. We will pre-assign guests to Session A or Session B. All guests start in main room. Session A people stay in main room for their presentation (45 mins.). Co-host will run presentation and manage rooms. Will go into breakout rooms (30 mins.) with other people who attended Session A. After 30 mins. co-host will close session A breakout rooms and return people to main meeting. Session B people will move out of main meeting room to one breakout room for presentation (45 mins.). Host will run presentation and manage rooms. Session B people will need to move into breakout rooms with ONLY other people who attended Session B. After 30 mins. co-host will close Session B breakout rooms and return people to main meeting. Is this possible to do? How do I set up and execute?
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