The transcription of the recording doesn’t make sense and contains inappropriate language
I think the transcription program has gone off its rocker. This is the Zoom AI overview of the last part of a Rotary meeting. I can assure you that this has nothing to do with the meeting, and no one said the F-word. 'Whisky Awards, 'Are You' Awards en het 'Fking It'-concept. It goes on and on. The text transcription includes all sorts of F-bombs and other strange things, none of which corresponds to the audio I hear. Has anyone else run into this issue before?
The speaker discussed various topics, including whisky awards, the "Are You" awards, and the concept of "fking it." They also mentioned the "Are You" awards in Baltimore and the "Are You" awards in parallel. The speaker touched on the idea of a "f**king issue" and the concept of...'
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