Why the video sharing has bad quality under 5G but OK under Wi-Fi
I use a laptop as host to make a video sharing under Webinar.(Network is fix network, and bandwidth is enough) Then I use one mobile(A) as client to join this conference. Then I do 2 test: 1. I use the 5G of mobile A to join, and when I watch the video, pool picture quality. I cannot see the subtitle very clearly. 2. I use mobile B as hotspot(mobile B network is 5G), the I use mobile A via mobile B (hotspot)to connect internet. and when I watch the video, the picture quality is ok. 3. I use the 5G of mobile B to join, and watch the video, the picture quality is bad. So every time when I use mobile wifi connection(no matter is hotspot or the real home or office wi-fi) to join th conference I got good quality video sharing. but once I change to 4G/5G, the quality will be bad. I am not sure whether Zoom has some bandwidth limitation under 4G/5G senario?
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