Computer Audio Very Low for participants/during recording
Hi, I am a coach (yoga, meditaiton, workouts) and I use Zoom to coach my sessions. I currently share my audio via the Advanced Sharing Options. I have an external mic connected to the laptop (wireless rode) but then use my blutooth headphones to hear my computer audio. I play music through my laptop. For me it comes thorugh VERY loudly in the headphones but for the others it can come through very quietly. Sometimes it is loud for my participants/recording and others it is very quiet. I think the only difference is when I share my audio BEFORE a participant joins. When I do this it seems to come through very quietly on the recording but is loud in my headphones. When I share my audio AFTER a participant has joined, then the recording audio and my headphone audio seems better matched. Has anyone else experienced this and if so can they please share suggestions/thoughts on how to make sure my audio comes through for participants/on the recording more consistently but I also don't deafen myself. Thanks, Sinead
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