Zoom Pro vs Zoom Business
I pay for both Zoom Pro and ZoomISO (Liminal bought by zoom)... Currently, it limits to 720p, I don't use 90% of the features, not mail, calendar, cloud, essentials, whiteboard... etc. I have been told that in order to have 1080p, I need to purchase the 2700/year account for 10 licenses! I'm already paying $1067.84CAD as it stands for 1 user... Does anybody at Zoom find it bizarre that a freelancer who already pays zoom for what amounts to 3 users of the business level, uses none of the existing features nor the ones on the business level, get less quality? Zoom Pro = $200CAD/year ZoomISO = $867.84CAD/year 1 user for 720p = $1067.87CAD/year Zoom Business = $270CAD/year (Requires 10 users) $2700CAD/year ZoomISO = 867.84/year 10 users + 1 ISO user for 1080p = $3567.84CAD/year PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow us to segment the available options. No whiteboard, team calls, etc... just allow us to pay for full HD. We are the ones encouraging and using Zoom in professional and business environments. We are the ones trying to get governments and educational institutions away from MSTeams... Not all of us have massive production house teams that need to be provided accounts.
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