Zoom Meetings
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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

New Granular Scope for meeting recording

Which granular scope will be needed to start, stop recording and list the recordings for a meeting using In server-to-server OAuth app. Actually I need to create a new server-to-server OAuth app but the I am not getting the recording scopes.

mhsayan by Newcomer
  • 0 replies

Share screen display - dual monitors

Can anyone help with why my share screen looks like this (link)? I can't make the shared image any larger. I am on Windows, have dual monitor enabled - my main screen shows the meeting gallery. When I asked Zoom support they responded with a suggesti...

Add a "tape delay" feature for Zoom

Having witnessed public comment periods during local government meetings go bad, I'd love to see Zoom add a "tape delay" feature that would give the host a short period of time to "kill" the comment if it violates community standards (if it doesn't a...

jcook by Newcomer
  • 0 replies

Recorded Video Flashing Green

I am trying to watch a recorded lecture from my instructors, but when I view the video on my laptop, the screen is flashing green and the audio is fine. If I view the video on my phone, it works just fine, however, I prefer to watch the video on my c...

AC4343 by Newcomer
  • 0 replies

Zoom meeting recording limit

Is there a Zoom cloud recording time limit? For example, a limit of 3 hours... If a user wants to record a lecture of 5 hours, is this possible? If they cannot, what would be the best alternative solution?

Apaul by Newcomer
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Zoom SAML mapping for licensetype

Hi Team, When doing SAML integration with an IDP, how does the SAML mapping affect existing users.In specific, if we are doing "Basic SAML mapping" option and choose "default licenseType" as "Basic". - When an existing licensed user login via SSO, wo...

sundari by Newcomer
  • 8 replies

Lost income

I logged in as usual to my Zoom account to run a class. The class is an income source.There was a message saying unusual activity on unfamiliar device ( there was none from me) and asked me to verify via verification to my email account.The verificat...

Resolved! Where is my recording???

I was invited to a meeting as a co-host and started the meeting recording. I had to leave the meeting early and reassigned another participant as host. The recording stopped automatically when I left the meeting and now I can't find the saved recordi...

LRHW by Newcomer
  • 1 replies