Sharp images shared from Mac coming through blurred
Hello, I often share Apple Keynote presentations via Zoom. It always works very smoothly except for one thing: my images look a little blurry to the all the attendees. The images inside my Keynote presentations are all high-resolution and look pin-sharp on my MacBook all the time I'm sharing. But they always come out blurry on the other end. This happens every time. No matter how many people are in the Zoom (from one person to hundreds). This is NOT a problem with the internet or WiFi connection. Because I have tested it on super-fast networks and even with computers sitting side by side on the same desk. I have spoken to an Apple specialist and they cannot find a problem on the Apple end. So the problem must be with Zoom. Any ideas how to fix this? Is there a setting I can tweak? Or is loss of image quality inevitable when sharing through Zoom? Thanks! Carl Thanks! Carl
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