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Resolved! Adding Licensed User

I want to add a licensed user to my small group. This person will lead workshops every other week. She also has a paid account of her own and says she's read that if she becomes a licensed user for me, her paid account will be downgraded to a free ac...

Resolved! How to become admin?

I am the owner of a Zoom One Pro account with 2 licenses.I log into my account on a windows notebook through Chrome and try to turn off Zoom AI Companion but the button is greyed out and says "Locked by Admin" (Settings > AI Companion tab > Meeting S...

Kontotyp ändern

Hallo zusammen. In unserem Unternehmen ist die bestehende benannte Moderatorin (Admin) ausgeschieden, ich möchte nun wissen an wen ich mich wenden muss, wenn ich mich als neuen Admin für die Zoom Lizenz Verwaltung umstellen lassen möchte? Auch wäre e...

Tobias2 by Listener
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SCIM provisioning with multiple licenses

I'm having issues with the SCIM provisioning aspect of my EA in Azure. Our company utilizes multiple license types, namely Zoom One Business Plus and US/CA unlimited. As I've spent a fair amount of time working with the Zoom team to try and find a wa...